Dec 27, 2018 -
Lisa's guest is Daniel Greenfield -- blogger, columnist and
Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, who discusses recent
elections, Syria, Generals Mattis and Flynn, Immigration, Los Angeles,
Venezuela, France, affirmative action, and much more!

Dec 20, 2018 -
Andrea Levine O'Rourke, a member of the Boca Raton City
Council, is today's guest. Andrea talks about what is happening in the
City of Boca, hotly contested developments, how the city council is
moving forward in the wake of Susan Haynie's arrest and prosecution,
and her goal for sustainable and smart growth in the city. Andrea is
the only member of the Boca Raton City Council who was not funded by
developers. Andrea's background is in public relations, advertising
and fine arts/graphic design. She's not a politician looking to
further her professional career, and speaks frankly about why she's on
the City Council and what her goals are for the City of Boca.

Dec 06, 2018 -
Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch and Fellow of the David
Horowitz Freedom Center, speaks about the history of Islam and how it is
reflective of the threat to Western Society today. Spencer also discusses with
Lisa the Florida election of Governor DeSantis, the national elections and
President Trump's immigration policies and his movement of the Capital of
Israel to Jerusalem. Spencer's newest book, The History of Jihad, is on the New
York Times Bestseller's list.

Nov 15, 2018 -
Dick Farrel guest hosts the show while Lisa is in Tallahassee. Farrel
talks about Avenatti's domestic violence charge, Ocasio (Ocrazio) Cortez's
comments on New York State Voting and lots more.
David Katz, former Boyton
Beach City Commissioner calls in to discuss how he was targeted by the City
Commissioners because he is also a lobbyist for issues the Commission doesn't
agree with. Attorney Bill Abramson talks about the recount in Palm Beach in the
Caruso/Bonfiglio State House race.

Nov 10, 2018 -
Election fraud in South Florida. Out of control partisan
elected Supervisors of Election in Palm Beach and Broward Counties trying to
change the election results. Lisa is live from ground zero to talk about
what is happening with the election.
Today's guests are Florida election law
expert attorneys Raquel Rodriguez, Former General Counsel to Governor Jeb
Bush; Richard Denapoli, attorney and Former Chairman of the Broward County
Republican Executive Committee and Broward State Committeeman; Broward attorney
William "Bill" Scherer who was also involved in the Bush recount in Broward in
2000; and Jacksonville attorney Stephen Stanfield.

Nov 01, 2018 -
Lisa interviews Tannery Demmery and Jason Allen-Rosner, both judicial
candidates in Broward County, Florida.
Tanner Demmery, running to be a County Court Judge, is a native of Broward
County, Florida and an only child. He worked as a
Realtor before attending law school. His practice included real estate
litigation and condominium association work, medical malpractice and
entertainment law. He worked as an Assistant State Attorney in Broward
and Monroe Counties. Tanner played in a rock band that opened for KC and
the Sunshine Band.
Jason Allen-Rosner is running to be a Circuit Court Judge. He was born
and raised in Brooklyn NY and moved to South Florida at age 5. Jason
practiced criminal defense and family law in private practice. He also
worked at the Broward County Public Defender's office for 1 1/2 years. He
has served as a FINRA arbitrator and as a traffic hearing office for
Broward County. Jason talked about the lawsuit filed about his name on
the ballot as well as the cases that preceded it. Jason prevailed in the
trial court and at the Fourth District Court of Appeal on the issue.

Oct 25, 2018 -
Todays guests are both Palm Beach County judicial candidates.
Zuckerman is running for County Court Judge. At 34, Ashley is one of the
younger judicial candidates. She was born in upstate NY and grew up in Vermon.
She moved to Florida as a college student, attending college at FAU and law
school at Nova. In addition to loving the tropical weather of Palm Beach
County, Ashley loves dogs and volunteers walking dogs at Palm Beach County
Animal Control. She has worked at the Palm Beach County Public Defender's
office since law school.
Sarah Willis is running for Circuit Court Judge. She has two young children and
her husband works at PBIA as a manager for TSA. Sarah's resigned to run for
judge from her position as a Family Court Magistrate for Palm Beach County. She
talks about the Baker Act and the Marchman Act cases she heard as a magistrate.
Sarah is running for judge against the former Democrat State Attorney for Palm
Beach County who resigned after being challenged by Dave Aronberg. Both
Republican and Democrat power players have endorsed Sarah.

Oct 18, 2018 -
Today's guests are Broward County Judicial Candidates Corey
Cawthon who is running for County Court, and Maria Weekes who is running for
Circuit Court.
Corey Cawthon, the youngest judicial candidate in Broward at age 31, is a
Florida native who attended Nova for undergrad and law school. Corey comes from
a family of military veterans. Her experience in civil litigation consists of
primarily business and real estate. Corey talked about the good, the bad, and
the ugly of JAABLOG. She has worked full time while campaigning for judge. She
believes she can add balance to the bench with her civil litigation background.
Corey would like to improve on preparedness and civility as a judge.
Maria Weekes, age 34, is a Russian Jew who legally immigrated to the United
States at age 7. Maria grew up in Brooklyn and moved to Florida to attend law
school at Nova, where she met her husband: criminal defense attorney John
Weekes. She is the mom of adorable 8 year old twins (a boy and a girl) who have
been her biggest helpers and fans during the campaign. Maria started her legal
career doing civil litigation then moved to working at the State Attorney's
office. During her 5 1/2 years as an ASA, Maria ended there in the gun and gang
violence unit.

Oct 11, 2018 -
Today's guests are Broward County Judicial
Candidates Jackie Powell who is running for County Court, and H. James
Curry who is running for Circuit Court.
Jackie Powell was born in Jamaica and moved to Queens NY at age 16. She met her
husband in Queens and later moved to Florida to get married. Jackie finished
college at FAU. She has 2 children and is the grandmother to a 3 year old. If
elected, Jackie will become the first female Jamaican judge in Broward County.
(Ian Richards was the first male Jamaican judge.) Jackie worked for 8 years in
the Public Defender's office and litigated in all 67 counties while doing
foreclosures. She worked as a paralegal for 10 years handling police misconduct
cases before law school. She also serves as a volunteer Guardian ad Litem for
foster children. Jackie likes the interaction with people in the county court
and believes that she has the right temperament to be a good judge for Broward
H. James Curry is currently Assistant General Counsel for the Florida
Department of Juvenile Justice in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. He was born
in Harlem and raised in Queens. He attended NY public schools for K-12. While
there, he learned survival and communication skills. James attended a private
Jesuit college, Gannon University in Erie, PA. James says he always wanted to
be a lawyer. His mother was a nurse and his parents stressed education. James
returned to NY to attend law school at night at St. John University. During the
day, he worked as a paralegal in the Queens, NY public defender's office.
He spent much of his time reading law books during his subway commutes for work
traveling to NYC and the boroughs. James has spent 22 years working for DJJ.
While there, he was taught to always answer his phone and to never forget who
he works for. James says he has been very effective at handling a high volume
of cases quickly and efficiently at the DJJ. He wants to be a judge to continue
to grow because he believes "complacency is the death of intellectual acuity."
James is married and his wife teaches at the college level. He says that
juvenile justice is at a 5 year low in Florida and attributes that to the civil
citation and diversionary programs. James gives a historical background of FL
DJJ. It was created by the Florida legislature in 1994. Prior to that, juvenile
justice issues were handled as part of HRS.

Oct 06, 2018 -
Today's guest is Allison Gilman running for County Court judge
in Broward County. Allison was born in Queens, New York and moved to Florida
at age 12. She primarily practiced in the field of criminal defense, having
done more than 250 jury trials. Lisa talks to Allison about the Brett
Kavanaugh hearings, polygraphs, and the fine line involved with
cross-examining the accuser in a sex crime case.

Oct 04, 2018 -
Lisa's guest is William "Billy" Vale. Billy is a Republican
running for Palm Beach County Commission, District 4. Billy was inspired by
President Trump to run for office as an "outsider". He wants to clean up the
swamp and corruption that is long know to have tainted the Palm Beach County
Commission. Developers are buying up Palm Beach County's golf courses. Billy
has been fighting the overdevelopment in Palm Beach County for 13 years since
they turned his home in Boca Del Mar from one that overlooks the golf course,
to one that overlooks townhomes. Billy talks about Red Tide, gambling, our
coast, and many other issues. Billy has not and will not accept developer
money. He is a businessman with a master's degree from Nova University.

Sep 13, 2018 -
Former Florida Deputy Insurance Commissioner and
Chief of Staff of the Department of Financial Services, the agency that
oversees Florida's banking and insurance industries, Lisa Miller, talks about
insurance. Did you know that as of 3 years ago, Florida passed legislation
for private flood insurance offering more benefits than through the
government policy, frequently at a better rate. Lisa Miller tells us that
there 30 companies in Florida offering private flood insurance. Find out how
companies offering water extraction from your home are scamming homeowners
through a contract clause called, "Assignment of Benefits".
Daniel Kurzweil
from Rytech joins us. Rytech is a water damage specialist with offices in
every county in Florida and in 26 states. Rytech does not use AOBs. If you
have a flood in your home, call Rytech, 24 hour emergency service:

Sep 06, 2018 -
Lisa is joined by former 24 year CIA Agent Fred Rustmann. Fred
talks about his exciting new book False Flag (the third in a trilogy), It is a
novel based on Fred's real life experiences as an undercover operative in the
CIA. Hollywood would be foolish to pass this one up! Fred also discusses the Deep
State, Kavanaugh hearings, the Nike blunder, the John McCain funeral, and North

Sep 01, 2018 -
Lisa and 20+ year radio host Dick Farrell talk about politics, the recent elections and more!

Aug 25, 2018 -
Lisa's guests are Palm Beach County 15th Circuit
Judicial Candidates Richard Llerena and Gabe Ermine.
Richard Llerena, running for
a County Court seat, speaks fluent Spanish. He is a second generation
Cuban-American lawyer whose practice includes personal injury plaintiff and
defense work, immigration and traffic matters. Richard's parents escaped from
Communist Cuba and reminded their son to be grateful for the freedoms enjoyed in
the USA. Richard wants to make a difference in the community. (Special appearance
by Richard's adorable son, Eric).
Gabe Ermine is the grandchild of Holocaust
survivors. Gabe works for the Broward County Public Defender's office and is one
of only four individuals in the PD's office who are certified to defend Death
Penalty cases. Gabe has a vast amount of trial experience and probably has tried
more cases than any other judicial candidate.

Aug 23, 2018 -
Palm Beach County Judicial Candidates interviewed feature
County Court Judicial Candidate Allegra Fung and Circuit Court Candidate Sarah
Allegra Fung is a foreclosure defense attorney born and raised in
Miami-Dade County. If elected, Allegra would be the first judge in the State of
Florida of Chinese decent.
Sarah Willis served as a Family Court Magistrate in
the 15th Judicial Circuit handling a wide variety of family law issues including
child support enforcement, drug and mental health issues such as Baker Act and
Marchman Act hearings. Prior to her work as a Family Court Magistrate, Sarah
worked as an Assistant State Attorney in the Special Victims Unit prosecuting
crimes against children.

Aug 18, 2018 -
Lisa interviews Sara Alijewicz, Candidate for Palm Beach County Court
Judge. Sara discusses her work as a family lawyer, legal aid attorney, and a
Magistrate handling Baker Act, Marchman Act and various family law cases. Sara, a
resident of Wellington, discusses her work with foster children and how the
courts are trying to deal with the heroin epidemic in Palm Beach County. (Isn't
it amazing that Palm Beach County has a Taj Majal jail with many vacancies out in
Belle Glade, but no money for detox or rehab for our uninsured (mainly youth)
dying of heroin overdoses every day?)

Aug 11, 2018 -
Lisa talks to Judicial Candidates Allen Ambrosino and Henry
Quinn Johnson.
Italian American Judicial Candidate for County Court, Allen
Ambrosino was a teacher before he became a lawyer. He is currently a criminal
defense attorney and previously worked in the Public Defender's office.
Quinn Johnson, running for a Circuit Court seat, is a 27-year US Army Combat
Veteran who served in Iraq, Bosnia and Afghanistan. He retired as a Lt. Colonel,
Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps. While in the Army, Quinn served as the Chief
of Military Justice for the only Court Martial Convening Authority for all US
Forces in Afghanistan. In the private sector, Quinn also worked as an Assistant
State Attorney in Pinellas and Palm Beach Counties and handled civil litigation.

Aug 09, 2018 -
Today's guests are Palm Beach County 15th Circuit Judicial
Candidates Lloyd Comiter and Alcolya St. Juste.
Circuit Court Candidate Alcolya
St. Juste has worked as a Senior Attorney for State of Florida Dept of Children
and Families and as a Special Magistrate to Palm Beach County's Code Enforcement.
She has a passion for helping children and those with mental health disabilities.
Lloyd Comiter is a candidate for County Court. Lloyd has dedicated his practice
to county court issues handling county civil, small claims cases and landlord
tenant cases. Lloyd is a resident of West Boca.

Aug 03, 2018 -
Lisa's guests Jordan H. Jordan and Maxine Cheesman are both
candidates for Circuit Court Judge in Palm Beach County.
Jordan H. Jordan, born
in Brooklyn and raised in Queens NY, began his professional career as a
Chiropractic Physician and later transitioned into law. Jordan is an experienced
litigator and businessman. His chiropractic training and experience in holistic
and natural medicine would be a welcome change to our bench which is now
pro-pharma and basically uninformed about most of the dangerous practices
masquerading as "mental health treatments". His legal experience includes 21
years handling primarily Insurance Defense and Personal Injury Plaintiff
cases. Jordan enjoys playing and watching sports and loves being a US Soccer
Referee in his spare (?) time.
Maxine Cheesman, born and raised in Jamaica, began
her professional career as a scientist, chemist and hydrogeologist. She served as
a Director for the South Florida Water Management District and as their forensic
expert scientist on water quality. Maxine has been practicing law since 2004 and
has handled a variety of cases in private practice. Her passion lies in helping
the community through pro bono legal activities, as well as feeding the homeless
and involvement with her church.

Jul 25, 2017 -
Lisa interviews Maria Peiro, Candidate for Congress, FL Dist. 27.

Jul 20, 2017 -
Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for
Military Readiness and COL (Ret.) Chuck Winn discuss the problems of having "transgender" personnel in the military.

Jul 18, 2017 -
Today's special guest is Paul Finizio, President of the National Italian
American Bar Association (NIABA).

Jun 17, 2017 -
Guest host, COL Chuck Winn (Ret.) interviews
Congressman Brian Mast (R-FL 18) to get his perspective on major national
issues. In the second half of the show, Chuck interviews U.S. Army veteran
LTC Dennis Freytes, on Puerto Rico's statehood issues.

Jun 13, 2017 -
Guest host COL Chuck Winn (US Army, Ret.) addresses some of the major systemic issues yet to be resolved in the
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. His special guest, retired USAF Major and ex-U.S. Army Airborne Infantry Sergeant Emilio Sanz,
discusses his perspectives from his experiences in Latin America, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Jun 06, 2017 -
Guest host Chuck Winn discusses force readiness and
modernization actions required to rebuild our miliatary with former U.S.
Senator Bob Smith (R-NH).

Jun 03, 2017 -
Chuck Winn, substituting for host Lisa Macci, talks with special guest Martin
County School Board Chairman Tina McSoley. Tina explains the reasons why
Governor Scott should veto the recently passed Omnibus Education Bill (HB 7069).
(Note: Governor Scott signed this controversial education bill June 15,

May 30, 2017 -
Guest host retired Army colonel Chuck Winn talks with Lynne
Barletta, Founder and Executive Director of the Visionary School of the Arts
and of Catch the Wave of Hope, an organization that provides shelter and assistance to victims of
human trafficking.

May 27, 2017 -
Special Memorial Day show with guest host COL Chuck Winn and Gold
Star Mother, Karen Zook.

Mar 14, 2017 -
Mark Miller, Managing Attorney for the Pacific Legal Foundation
Atlantic Center in Florida discusses PLF's huge win in the USSC!

Mar 11, 2017 -
Emily Gentile, candidate for Boca Raton City Council is today's

Feb 21, 2017 -
Al Zucaro, Candidate for Mayor of Boca Raton, is today's
guest. Also, Fred Rustman, former CIA Agent and instructor on the Farm will
discuss recent issues regarding President Trump and the allegations that the CIA and NSA
are attempting to undermine him.

Feb 14, 2017 -
Andy Thomson, lawyer and candidate for Boca Raton City Council is
Lisa's Valentine's Day guest.